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clock 23:19


Location: Somewhere

Likes: Computers, music, old school videogames and asian culture.

Just a shy 20 something years old person, living somewhere in the world. I usually lurk around the internet in my free time.


Q: I don't understand some of these quotes displayed in the footer, what is the source of these quotes?

A: All the quotes are based on some kind of media I like, some internet meme, some random comment I found somewhere or something based on when I was at college.

Q: What inspired the design of this website?

A: It's mostly inspired by 90s and early 2000s designs.

Q: Why the anime mascot?

A: Ackchyually, this is not a anime character, it's a videogame character. I put this to make the site less blend. It also because theses mascots can infuriate some people.

Q: Where are you from?

A: As was stated before, somewhere... the only clue I can give you is that my main language is not english.